Liferiver BioTech
Real Time Pcr Kits and Instruments Carrying Different Kinds of Diagnostic Assays and Analysis.
RNA Isolation Kit Paramagnetic Beads Column Mothod ME-0010
RNA Isolation Kit For Auto-Extraction ME-0012
Viral DNA RNA Isolation Kit For Auto-Extraction ME-0015
Viral Genome DNA Isolation Kit Centrifuge Column ME-0017
HAV Real Time RT-PCR Kit HR-0001-01
HAV Real Time RT-PCR Kit HR-0001-02
HBV Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit HD-0002-01
HBV Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit HD-0002-02
HBV Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit HD-0002-02-A+B
HBV Quantitative and YMDD Mutation Real Time PCR Kit HD-0003-01
HBV Quantitative and YMDD Mutation Real Time PCR Kit HD-0003-02
HBV Quantitative and YMDD Mutation Real Time PCR Kit HD-0003-03
HBV Quantitative and YMDD Mutation Real Time PCR Kit HD-0003-04
HBV Precore Site 1896 Mutation Real Time PCR Kit HD-0005-01
HBV Precore Site 1896 Mutation Real Time PCR Kit HD-0005-03
HBV Genotype B C and D Real Time PCR Kit HD-0006-01
HBV Genotype B C and D Real Time PCR Kit HD-0006-02
HBV Genotype B C and D Real Time PCR Kit HD-0006-03
HBV Genotype B C and D Real Time PCR Kit HD-0006-04
HCV Real Time RT-PCR Kit HR-0008-01
HCV Real Time RT-PCR Kit HR-0008-02
HCV Real Time RT-PCR Kit HR-0008-02-A+B