Kronos HT WSL 1565Bioluminometer for Circadian Rythm. The multi-well plate compatible model appeared in Kronos series which measures changes in gene expression over time with bioluminescence of luciferase while culturing cells.Installation in One Week !!! For Only 68 500 $ 58 400 € |
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CellGraph AB3000B
High throuput assay system for real-time gene expression monitoring of living cells
Gentaur WSL-1565 Kronos HT is the high throughput support model of the assay system that measure the gene expression of living cells in real-time with the bioluminescence of luciferase. Kronos Dio, which is a precedent model compatible with 35 mm dish, has been used as a real-time luminescence measurement system with cell culturing function, but this time a new lineup of model compatible with multiwell plate measurement is added.
With this new product Kronos HT, we succeeded the know-how cultivated in the precedent model in order to measure the luminescence while culturing the cells, and further strengthened functions and performance for high throughput measurement. Please consider adopting Kronos HT for high-throughput measurement in biological clock analysis, change in drug response with time, cytotoxicity test etc
Detector: Photomultiplier tube (10oC cooling) x 2 units, X-Y actuating
Measurement: Photon counting method
Measurement time: Integral time: 1 – 60 s/well, Measurement term: 1 h – 30 days
Plate format: Clear bottom 24 well plate x 2 (Standard)
Clear bottom 96 well plate x 2 (Option), 35 mm dish x 12 (Option)
48 samples (24 well plate x 2)
192 samples (96 well plate x 2, option)
12 samples (35 mm dish x 12, option)
Incubation temperature control: Room temperature + 5oC to 45oC at room temperature 20 – 28oC
CO2 gas control: Control to 5% by CO2 gas mixer
Setting of water reservoir in incubator and humidified 5% CO2 gas flowing intermittently by
humidifying unit
Maintaining >90%RH
Multi-color assay: Measurement with automatically selected optical filter up to 2 colors
PC requirements OS: Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7, 64 / 32 bit, Memory: 4 GB, HDD: more than 20 GB free space
Interface: USB2.0 x 1 port
Dimensions, Weight:
Main unit: 650 (W) x 520 (D) x 340 (H) mm, 40 kg
CO2 gas mixer: 160 (W) x 300 (D) x 200 (H) mm, 4.8 kg
Humidifying unit: 170 (W) x 140 (D) x 115 (H) mm, 1.6 kg
Main unit: AC 100 – 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 400 W (max)
CO2 gas mixer: AC 100 – 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 100 W (max)
Humidifying unit: AC 100 – 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 24W (max)
Model 3510146: 24 well plate adapter
Model 3510147: 96 well plate adapter
Model 3510148: 35 mm dish adapter
Measurement: Photon counting method
Measurement time: Integral time: 1 – 60 s/well, Measurement term: 1 h – 30 days
Plate format: Clear bottom 24 well plate x 2 (Standard)
Clear bottom 96 well plate x 2 (Option), 35 mm dish x 12 (Option)
48 samples (24 well plate x 2)
192 samples (96 well plate x 2, option)
12 samples (35 mm dish x 12, option)
Incubation temperature control: Room temperature + 5oC to 45oC at room temperature 20 – 28oC
CO2 gas control: Control to 5% by CO2 gas mixer
Setting of water reservoir in incubator and humidified 5% CO2 gas flowing intermittently by
humidifying unit
Maintaining >90%RH
Multi-color assay: Measurement with automatically selected optical filter up to 2 colors
PC requirements OS: Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7, 64 / 32 bit, Memory: 4 GB, HDD: more than 20 GB free space
Interface: USB2.0 x 1 port
Dimensions, Weight:
Main unit: 650 (W) x 520 (D) x 340 (H) mm, 40 kg
CO2 gas mixer: 160 (W) x 300 (D) x 200 (H) mm, 4.8 kg
Humidifying unit: 170 (W) x 140 (D) x 115 (H) mm, 1.6 kg
Main unit: AC 100 – 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 400 W (max)
CO2 gas mixer: AC 100 – 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 100 W (max)
Humidifying unit: AC 100 – 240 V, 50 / 60 Hz, 24W (max)
Model 3510146: 24 well plate adapter
Model 3510147: 96 well plate adapter
Model 3510148: 35 mm dish adapter
Circadian rhythm of clock gene expression
Transcriptional activity of clock gene, mPer2 mPer2 promoter – Eluc (PEST) expressed fibroblast stable cell line in 24 well clear bottom plate Measurement time: 5s / well, Interval time: 10min Drug response of transcription factor Dual-color real-time luciferase assay of TNF-a induced NF-kB transcriptional activity NF-kB response elemnt – TK promoter – SLG (green color emited luciferase) and TK promoter – SLR (red color emitted luciferase) expressed fibroblast cell line in 96 well clear bottom plate Measurement time: 5s x 2 color / well, Interval time: 30min (A), (B) Transcriptional activity of NF-kB and TK promoter for 48h (C) Normalized by activity of control (TK) (D) Ratio to NF-kB activity without TNF-a |